Durga Anil K Kanigicherla MBBS, MD, FRCP
Durga joined the Nephrology & Transplantation unit as a Higher Specialty Trainee during 2006 after his MD in India. He moved to Imperial healthcare NHS for Transplant Fellowship and returned to Northwest in 2012. He worked as a Consultant from 2012 initially at Salford Royal Hospital and from 2013 at Manchester Royal Infirmary. He holds Honorary Senior Lectureship with University of Manchester. He held Deputy Clinical Director role in Renal Medicine for 2 years and is the lead for Higher Specialty Training in Renal Medicine at Manchester Royal Infirmary for the last 4 years. He leads on Transplant Recipient Listing in the Nephrology Directorate and Glomerular Disorders. In addition to improving clinical care for Patients with Kidney Diseases and Transplantation, his keen interests are in Education and Training and leads on International Fellowships in the department through the Medical Training Initiative through Royal College Physicians and ISN Fellowships through International Society of Nephrology & Kidneys for Life.

Having trained under senior professionals in Manchester he developed academic interest in Immune Kidney Disease (Glomerulonephritis & Kidney Transplantation). He now chairs the UK Membranous Nephropathy Rare Disease Group, is a member of clinical panel of Immune Kidney Disease Group in European Rare Kidney Disease Reference Network (ERKNet), is a member of NHS-CTE scheme in Membranous Nephropathy, Panel member in Manchester Amyloidosis Group, PI for multiple Clinical Trials in GN diseases, Chief Investigator in UK for Randomised Clinical Trials and Principal Investigator of Manchester Renal biobank, and is a peer reviewer for NIHR & academic journals in Kidney Diseases & Transplantation. He led the Adult Nephrology Team to receive recognition for Manchester Royal Infirmary as an Expert Centre in the ERKNet.
He aims to prevent End Stage Renal Disease and to increase Transplantation as the modality of choice for patients with kidney failure whilst enhancing quality of life for Transplant recipients and lifespan of Transplants.
He joined the KFL as a Trustee in 2020 and is keen to support variety of activities to improve lives of patients with Kidney Disorders.