Paediatric Catheter Skills Day
Date – 5th July 2024
9am – 4pm
Target Audience: Paediatric Community Nursing Teams / Bladder and Bowel Teams
Venue: Ward 83 Large Training Room
2nd Floor, Royal Manchester Children’s Hospital
(Please use Stem Cell Unit Entrance, turn left and knock on the door)
Cost: £100 per head
Payment: We have partnered with Kidneys for Life to set up this event – please use the Kidneys for Life booking link to secure your place.
Syllabus to be covered (timetable will be sent out once attendees confirmed):
- Indwelling Catheter Insertion Simulation (competency signed)
- Indwelling urinary catheter care
- Troubleshooting indwelling catheters
- Catheter products and accessories e.g. types of free drainage bags, flip-flo valves
- Urine sampling from an indwelling urinary catheter
- Catheter flushing simulation (competency signed)
- Removal of indwelling urinary catheters
- Rationale and principles of intermittent catheterisation (CIC/ISC)
- Intermittent catheterisation simulation (competency signed)
- School/nursery training process
- Brief overview of other urological conditions and continence procedures e.g. vesicostomy, Mitrofanoff, bladder augmentation
- Q&A with clinical nurse specialist in paediatric urology
For more information or if you have any queries, please email or to reserve a place please click here.
You will be issued with theory and simulation competency certificates at the end of the day, and the session will equal 7 hours of CPD.
Kidneys for Life will issue an attendance certificate to go towards your revalidation, following completion of a feedback questionnaire.