Thursday 12th March
Kidneys for Life will be out and about in Manchester on Thursday 12th March promoting “Keeping your Kidneys Healthy” as part of World Kidney Day.
Please look out for the Kidneys for Life bus and come and say hello!
On board will be nurses to test your blood pressure and a dietician for advice on healthy eating.
We’ll have hula hoops and skipping ropes. Come and have a go. Can you still do it?
You’ll also be able to chat to dialysis and transplant patients and find out why they believe keeping fit and healthy is so important.
The bus will be visiting Asda Eastlands, Turing Way (near the Etihad Stadium) between 11 and 12.30 We’ll then be parked at Tesco, Gorton, (near Belle Vue Stadium) between 12.45 and 2.30 and, finally, at the Boulevard, MRI, where we’ll stay until about 4pm.
You might have two kidneys but it still pays to keep them both healthy.