Mike Kewley & Tony Kershaw met on Ward 9 in 2005 having both suffered from kidney disease and on the kidney transplant waiting list. They were both excited to receive the call that a kidney was available to them and it transpired that they were each fortunate to receive a kidney from the same cadaver donor. After that, “it was love at first sight” according to them both!
Tony was identified as suffering from Alport Syndrome, a genetic condition which was originally identified in a British family by Dr Cecil A Alport in 1927, when he was 31 years old. This disease runs in families and his brother suffered with kidney disease for a number of years having received two kidney transplants but unfortunately passed away. Tony used to be a builder by trade but found it just too much after the transplant and other health issues, he is now the Chief Pie Maker at Grandma Wolfenden’s in Prestwich.
Mike was diagnosed with kidney failure in 1997, a genetic condition called Focal Segmental Glomerulonephritis inherited from his mother who suffered from the disease from 1984 until her death in 1998. Up to and following his transplant Mike has continued to maintain his full time job and also finds the time to work alongside his wife on their allotment, play crown green bowls, play golf (very badly) and enjoys walking in the Lake District. He also finds time to help us sell our charity Christmas cards and you might remember his article “House of Cards” in a previous Whispers.
The two still keep in touch and this year they met up at the Allithwaite Bowling Club Charity Event on 30 July for an afternoon of crown green bowling and the odd alcoholic refreshment which they can now both enjoy.